One of the posts I'm looking forward to in January will be an interview with author and professor of Old Testament and Biblical hermeneutics at Westminster Theological Seminary, Dr. Peter Enns (whose book I reviewed here and here as well as responding to criticisms of my review here) - so look for that.

And now, with the sole interest of drawing attention to myself via the magic of technorati, I will insidiously link the posts of various Christian blogs that I'd like to use in order to get myself mentioned or attract their readers:
Mike Bird has some interesting comments on Tom Wright's Simply Christian.
The illustrious internet monk, Michael Spencer diverges from many critics in his review of Apocalypto.
Phil Johnson charitably links someone who only mentions him in order to get linked. How shameful, yet shameless.
Regardless of the odd (as in occasional AND strange) post on postmodernism, Doug Wilson proves once again that his voice is worthy to be heard.
Ben Myers lists several outstanding moments in blogging from 2006.
Scot McKnight comments on a book called The End of Memory by a theologian named Miroslav Volf, who my brother has really enjoyed at Yale.
The Tall Skinny Kiwi discusses the merits of John Piper's book on depression, which after reading his post, I think I'll be picking up immediately.
John Frye breaks the pattern of dismal reactions I've heard about the Christmas release of The Nativity Story.
Alan Bandy, who was into the word Apocalypto before it was cool, had a fantastic Christmas post that I think you'll enjoy as much as I did.
Chris Tilling posted a fantastic series featuring Richard Bauckham - who actually went to the trouble to respond to some commenters. Go back and read parts 1 and 2 as well.
Ben Witherington enjoyed The Pursuit of Happyness, as did my wife and I when we saw it this last weekend.
Check out James K.A. Smith and Nancey Murphy at NPR's "Speaking of Faith" in a feature called Evangelicals Out of the Box.
Joel Garver has some typically insightful things to say about the emerging stuff.